Tuesday 15 September 2009

Risk assessment

Tripping / falling - avoid filming near sloped/potentially dangerous locations and/or areas with a lot of bramble or heavy woodland to prevent any potential accidental falls or injuries. I will be filming in a wooded area, so I will need to make sure to film in clear, open areas where the risks of injuries will be greatly reduced.

Cuts / scrapes - avoid having actors go near or through heavy bramble and avoid using props that can potentially injure actors if misused or abused (e.g. scissors, knives, nails). Keep the amount of quick movement / running around to a minimum while filming.

Road collision - avoid going near roads or filming on roads while working, or at least when oncoming traffic is visible. Keep actors off of the roads and out of the way of cars.

Head injuries - keep actors away from sloped areas of the woodland and away from areas heavy with tree roots or overly rough terrain. Make sure actors don't go running through heavily wooded areas where they can risk accidentally running into a branch or hitting themselves against a tree trunk.

Falling into water / potentially drowning - Staying away from wet areas like rivers, canals, streams or bogs while filming, and if having to go near them keep actors and the camera equipment a reasonably safe distance away.

Damage to camera / expensive equipment - Keep actors a safe distance away from the equipment while filming to prevent them from accidentally knocking or running into anything. Make sure to keep an eye on all equipment at all times, to prevent it potentially getting stolen. Keep equipment away from wet areas to avoid it getting permanently damaged.

Getting harassed / mugged - keep all camera equipment in plain sight and stay near public paths and highly visible areas while filming to prevent anything being stolen without you being aware of such. Make sure not to harass any members of the public or try, start trouble or purposefully antagonise those that might cause you trouble.

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